Stakeholder Personas

One of the tools we have developed is “Stakeholder Personas”. These can be used in many different ways in order to encourage a conversation with more perspectives. Because street transformations impact different people, the various personas we have developed try to cover as many stakeholders as possible.

On this page, you will find introductions to all of our personas. If you want to find out even more about a character, just click to open the full character sheet!

If you want to get a very detailed view of how this tool is used and how it works in general, you can find its full guidelines at the bottom of the page.

Persona library:

Lisa Lambert

Public Authority

Age: 52

Gender: Woman

Local Politician

“My commitment to our city’s future is building public spaces and offering public transport where everyone can move freely, safely, and sustainably.”

Mathias Jacobs

Public Authority

Age: 47

Gender: Man

Head of mobility department

“Let’s make city travel faster and safer by reducing traffic jams and speeding up public transport. Efficiency and safety are crucial!”

Anne Herbert

Public Institution

Age: 45

Gender: Woman

School Director

“Every child deserves a safe way to go from home to school. I want to advocate for better streets for our kids, where they can walk and play”

Sarah Maes

Local Business

Age: 60

Gender: Woman

Restaurant / Bar owner

“At our table, every plate has a story, and every sip tells a tale. Come join us in making memories that stay beyond your delicious meal”

David Nguyen

Local Business

Age: 38

Gender: Man

Marketplace Manager

“At our market, every spot offers a variety of flavors, cultures and traditions. We want to make sure all our customers can easily enjoy them”

Andrew Martin

People / Civic association

Age: 36

Gender: Man

Independent Worker

“Cycling makes me feel healthier and happier! That’s why I would like better bike lanes so my neighbors can feel safe trying it out”

John Smith

People / Civic association

Age: 71

Gender: Man


“Change happens, but let’s make it good. Everyone should be able to park right by their home.”

Yassin Abibou

People / Civic association

Age: 25

Gender: Man

Kids’ Animator

“I wish the street was a safe place for all of the kids who are growing up and exploring their urban environment for the first time”

Sofia Garcia


Age: 14

Gender: Woman

School Student

“I would like more places to go out with my friends and family, and a nicer way to take my siblings to school”

Fatima Ahmed


Age: 26

Gender: Woman

Caregiver / Professional cleaning agent

“I want my kids to have good chances in life and to live in a nice and safe neighborhood”

Marie Dupont


Age: 74

Gender: Woman


“I hope that the neighbourhood keeps its old feel, and is not taken away by today’s fads. It should remain the place the old residents recognise!”


Other Species

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Pet dog

“I’m all for more wagging tails, sniffing around, and getting lots of belly rubs in the park”


Other Species

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Pet cat

“For more places to explore, people to meet, warm cars to sleep on, and spaces to share with my cat friends”


Other Species

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Callery Pear Tree

“I love it when the sun shines, and I have plenty of little friends. I sometimes wish the surface of the road let more water through, because I’m thristy!”

Custom Sheet



Gender: Man

Custom Profession

If the characters here seem to miss someone, or if you think the local context needs something else, you can come up with your own characters!

Custom Sheet



Gender: Woman

Custom Profession

If the characters here seem to miss someone, or if you think the local context needs something else, you can come up with your own characters!

All personas can also be viewed here, in the full PDF:

Here are the full guidelines of the Stakeholder Personas tool.

Finally, here is a semi-editable PDF of the personas. This can be useful if one wants to make smaller changes to the characters.